It is not an output mode I'm very familiar with but I've done a quick test outputting to Excel using two of the available output options, with no optimisiation or proofreading, to give you some idea of what you might expect from Abbyy FineReader. You should also expect to have to proofread the output carefully and where necessary to edit it, either in the OCR program or in the application to which you output. Serious OCR programs are becoming increasingly complex so you should expect to have to invest some time in learning how to get the best out of whichever program you try. The answer is almost certainly Abbyy FineReader OCR program, and to output to spreadsheets or possibly word processor tables as an initial step (Nuance Omnipage is a possible alternative but the user interface is widely considered to be inferior). My project is building an Access database.

I have used Adobe Acrobat and IRFANVIEW's Kadmos plugin but they have issues with reading all the way across rows. RMH wrote:I have been in search of a good OCR engine that can recognize printed tables without grid lines. Probably housed at, the largest online community of vintage boating enthusiasts, of which I am an editor of their wiki-style library section. This will eventually be published onto the web in a searchable, query-driven research guide for public use. I am building the definitive reference guide to these old boats using the model information available plus images drawn from original sales literature, modern photographs, and other sources. There were hundreds of small manufacturers of wood, aluminum, and fiberglass motorboats in this time period and there is a growing interest in collecting, restoring, and recreating in boats from this era. These include Sheler's Outboard Boat Price Pilot Red Book, published annually from circa 1958 to the mid-1960s when they were acquired by their competitor, ABOS Publishing's Outboard Boat Trade-In Guide Blue Book.

I destructively scanned a few trade-in guides and are using these as my data source.

My project is building an Access database of 1950's to 1960's outboard boat models using data gleaned from two series of vintage trade-in guides. I have been in search of a good OCR engine that can recognize printed tables without grid lines.