^^ Myus, in chronological order: Musical Tennis no Oujisama Remarkable First Match Fudoumine Dream Live 1st More Than Limit St. So, could there be anything else I might be missing out on? Also reason I need the list is to serve as a guideline when I go hunting for the videos on the net. Can anyone also gimme the up to date listing of the Tenimyu performances! I checked Wikipedia's listing but judging from your comm, Dream Live 7th wasn't listed there. So I'd really prefer to watch something I can understand. Tenimyu Season DL7 version - Duration: 5:21. Tenimyu 2nd season - WE ARE ALWAYS TOGETHER PV (Type A) - Duration: 5:15. Not the download itself.-Please support Tenimyu. Tenimyu 3rd Season Seigaku vs Rokkaku Sorry for the delay! I don’t know why the heck Tenimyu thought.

But could any of you recommend which are the good Tenimyus to watch? And which of these have been subbed?

X posted from The Tenipuri community by prompt advice of fencer_x and fic_faery Okay, I know this is such a failure in me for not watching Tenimyu though I've been involved with Tenipuri for 8 years ++ now.